I just ran across someone's blog roll that still had a link here. But I've not been here at blogspot for quite some time. You can find me here. So come on over!
I'm Dave and I'm a happy husband and father...and I'm the pastor of CrossBridge.
CrossBridge is a diverse group of people in Panama City, FL who are learning to follow God in the way of Jesus. We strive to be accepting of others different than ourselves, we serve the poor and we love one another the best we can. We trust in Jesus, His words, life and death all teach us how to change the world...how to be a part of the solution, not part of the problem. His resurrection gives us hope that it will happen someday.
This blog is an opportunity for me to share things about CrossBridge Church, what we're up to, how we view things, and why. We're a definite departure from 'church as normal.' We want to give you a peek into what we're about and what makes us tick. So there will be a lot of stuff about CrossBridge. But there will also be the typical rambling, musings and mumbo jumbo that make a blog a blog. So there will be some things in here that are valuable and have the potential to change your life and even the world. But there may be some things in here that may make you think its about time for another trip to the fridge.
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