Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Frank Viola and the Experiement

Frank Viola is a name I've known for a long time. I love his contribution to the house church movement, of which I am an avid fan. I've followed this movement for many years and consider myself on the fringes of it, even though at CrossBridge we are holding primarily public meetings at present. Frank is a prolific writer and is one of the names most associated with the house church movement. He has a passion to see the practices of the early church be once again embraced. So do I. CrossBridge, though only about 2 years old needs some tweeking. I've said numerous times that public meetings are an experiment that we're trying and we'll see how it goes. The experiment is to see if we can have an experience of authentic church life and public meetings as well. Can we live in relationship with one another and have a public presence? Can we also recruit the troops and pool the resources in order to make a difference in the world? Can the two co-exist? Here's how its going: We have grown from about 10 people meeting in our home in early '07 to about 20 people meeting in St. Andrews Civic Club in late '07 and '08 to about 50 people meeting at our rented facility in the Lincoln Center now in '09. Numerical growth is happening. We're moving about 300 boxes of food a month through Angel Food Ministries. We've seen some lives changed and some people walking with Jesus who were not before coming to CrossBridge. We've been able to give away about 25 cars to needy folks. We've done well about showing the love of God to the world. We have a great worship team and great worship. (Truly unbelievable for a church our size!) We are quick to love and slow to judge. We have great conversations. But... Someone told me today that they feel disconnected...that back when we were smaller and met in the St.Andrews Civic Club it felt more like a family. We all knew each other. We ate together most Sundays. It was more intimate. We've lost something as we've grown. Its easy now to come to church and go home without really talking to anyone. Its easy to get in and out. Get your church fix, and not connect with anyone. And as we continue to grow it will become even easier. But the irony is that its becoming less and less 'church.' Because church happens in relationship. Church happens when people pray for one another, laugh and cry together. When they bear each other's burdens. When they are involved in each other's lives. We've gotta get that back and there's only one way to do it. We've got to experience church life beyond Sundays from 10-12. We've got to build this thing on relationships. And we've got to do this no matter the cost. This means....(drumroll)....meeting in homes. Period. This is not about Dave wanting everyone to join a homegroup. This is about being the church. Its the fabric of who we are. If its not the fabric of who you are then you should prayerfully consider if CrossBridge is the place for you or not. When Frank's office sent an e-mail that he is coming I responded immediately, hoping, but thinking that it was a long shot. CrossBridge is a small church and doesn't have money to bring in big name speakers. But Frank accepted our invitation. This speaks highly of Frank, his heart and his approach to ministry. He's not driven by numbers or big money. He's like Jesus that way. I'm excited about Frank coming because I believe that his message is timely for us. I believe that he has something to say to CrossBridge at this time. And I believe that this whole thing is being orchestrated by our Father. So be prepared, CrossBridge. God is up to something.

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